After El Paso, Mom and I journeyed down to the little West Texas town of Marfa that’s known for its unique art culture and for having been the shooting locations for GIANT, THERE WILL BE BLOOD, NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN, and more! We loved the:
Prada Marfa installation outside of town.
And the gorgeous West Texas Sunset.
But most of all, Ma and I enjoyed our patio at the Rock Hudson at the Hotel Paisano (he really stayed there!).
Our journey continued with a stop in Dallas and Fort Worth, where we enjoyed learning more about:

The Grassy Knoll - and I loved hearing about my mom’s own memories of that turbulent time, those of a little 4th grade Catholic girl whose world was forever changed (along with everyone else).
The Fort Worth Stockyards!
Billy Bob’s Honky Tonk, where I got to sample my first Lonestar beer!
We then made our way to Memphis, with a little stop in Hope, Arkansas, where we got to visit President Clinton’s childhood home!
And then... there was Memphis, Home of the Blues and the Birthplace of Rock N’ Roll (and me!). Loved checking out:
Hog & Hominy’s awesome cocktails - the Jack Rose and Juice from the Jelly Jar!
The Peabody’s Mint Julep...
AND their Party on the Rooftop, baby!
I dropped off my mama in Memphis and picked up a new traveling companion (aka hitchhiker, JK!), long-time friend, TeePee! We made our way to Nashville by way of Lynchburg, where we learned a little about our new friend:
Jack Daniels!!
There's a story behind this picture (probably funnier in the event than the telling :), but you can still ask me next time you see me.
Off to Nashville, we loved:
The vibrant nightlife!
Loretta Lynn singing at the Grand Ole Opry!
Seeing the sites from ABC’s Nashville show - including the world famous Bluebird Cafe (also featured in one of my fav 90’s movies, THE THING CALLED LOVE!).
And a pair of killer tequila cocktails at Tavern! May I present... the Margarita del Diablo and the Pablo Honey.
I dropped TeePee at the airport in Nashville and made the solo sojourn to my hometown of Springfield, IL, where:
A family reunion was held!
Some friends and I organized the Radish Run, where we raised over $1,600 to help the Friends of Sangamon County Animal Shelter - in honor of a dear friend who passed away last year and whose death changed my life immeasurably - even prompting this grand move across the nation!
After a wonderful summer of travel, I’ve finally made it to my new home Milwaukee, where I’m so excited to put down some roots, but oh how I that glorious open road... Just yesterday, my heart asked me “where are we going next?”
MILWAUKEE Spectacular!
Follow our adventures on The Happy Hour Tour and you’ll find out!!
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