Los Angeles , CA 90046
(323) 436-7999
Parking: Neighborhood parking should be available
Monday-Friday, 4-7 pm, Select Appetizers from $1.65 to $5; no drink specials per se – but $5-7 wines by the glass, $4-ish beers, $8 margaritas & mimosas
Blame it on the Bossa Nova! And I did for years... Once upon a birthday five or six years ago, my parents and younger sister were in town. I had to work the next day, so we decided to order delivery from Bossa Nova. Two and a half hours later, the food still wasn't delivered and I was suffering a severe case of "I'm-so-hungry-and-crabby-and-don't-want-to-work-tomorrow-that-I-could-eat-twelve-pizzas-and-smack-someone." I called Bossa Nova and they said they had attempted delivery, but no one answered. I didn’t believe them and by the time the food got there, it was 10:45 pm and my mood was elevated to “fourteen pizzas + side salad and knifing someone.” My sister wisely refrained from telling me that night that she had been on the dial-up internet (the horror) the whole time, thereby preventing the delivery.
Of course I got over it, but I still am not crazy about the prices at Bossa Nova. The actual dining in experience isn’t so bad, but I feel like every time I order a salad for delivery, it’s easily $20 – and in the J’s world – that’s just not enough bang for the buck. So when I saw that they had a happy hour, I was interested in checking it out. Plus I owed my buddy Tracy a happy hour treat for kindly picking me up from the airport after taking a happy hour break on a Midwest vacation that saw me hit four cities in nine days (J-Bird & the Tweets’ Boppin’ & Rockin’ Summer 2010 Tour).
Portrait of the Artist at Work
And dear readers, I was very pleasantly taken by their well-priced happy hour. The kicker is – it’s just food deals; the drinks are still regular price. But wines by the glass at $5-7 and a wide selection of beers around $4, well, that’s better happy hour prices than most happy hours that offer drink deals!
Making the most of the deals, Tracy and I ordered $5 glasses of Riesling (for her) and Chardonnay (for me) and enough appetizers to make a healthy, if not overstuffed dinner: the delicious Mozzarella Bruschetta ($4), the mouth-watering Dutch Fries – gorgonzola melted over French Fries ($3.50), the just okay mushroom appetizer – could have been either hotter or just cold ($3.50), and Tracy got chicken fingers ($3.75) all to herself. As you can tell from the pictures, the prices on happy hour did give us the proverbial bang for our buck, woo hoo!
Happy Hour at Bossa Nova is also nice in that you can sit anywhere inside (or outside) the restaurant, so there seemed to be plenty of places to enjoy a good bite. We sat outside and enjoyed watching the denizens of the eastern seaboard of the Sunset Strip. I’m definitely happy to recommend Bossa Nova if you’re looking for a chill happy hour in the Hollywood Hills West!
-- JBRating: 4 Martinis

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